Before the time of the newspaper, __________ .
A. bad news traveled quickly and good news slowly
B. few people cared about events that took place in far away countries
C. kings and rulers were often overthrown or killed
D. news was passed from one person to another
A. 应该在车辆停靠稳妥后进行卸载作业,进出车厢应使用防护扶手,避免摔伤;
B. 着装规范,防护用品佩戴齐全,避免身体受到伤害,如佩戴专用护腰带、穿好防护鞋;
C. 卸载金属包装或表面不光滑、带有尖锐包装的快件,或者其他任何有可能造成伤害的快件,应戴专用防护手套;
D. 卸载体积偏大、偏重的总包快件,可单人装;
钦及其合金在等离子弧焊时,焊接厚度一般不得超过() MM
A. 6
B. 8
C. 12
GB 23439-2009标准规定,掺膨胀剂的混凝土限制膨胀和收缩试验试件的拆模要求抗压强度达到() MPa。
A. 1~3
B. 3~5
C. 5~7
D. 8~10
He had been sent to prison ___________.
A. twice
B. 80 times
C. 22 times
D. 1,000 times