It is preferred that there will be at least one (1) full time tester assigned to the project for the system/integration and acceptance testing phases of the project.
All test hardware platforms must have been successfully installed, configured, and functioning properly.
Black-box testing, sometimes called behavioral testing or partition testing, enables one to derive sets of input conditions that that will fully exercise all functional requirements for a program.
A. 对较窄板件进行放坡处理。
B. 对较宽板件进行放坡处理。
C. 对较薄板件进行放坡处理。
D. 对较厚板件进行放坡处理。
将高级语言编写的程序翻译成机器语言程序,采用的两种翻译方法是( )。
A. 解释和编译
B. 解释和汇编
C. 连接和编译
D. 连接和汇编