Americans place a high value ____achievement and this leads them to constantly compete ____each other.
Americans can also be obsessed ____records of achievement in sports, in business, or even in more mundane things.
Americans also have a good sense of teamwork and of cooperating ____others to achieve a specific goal.
Americans are often accused ____being materialistic and driven to succeed.
【2018二级】甲委托乙采购一种原材料并签订了材料采购委托合同,经甲同意,乙将原材料采购事务转委托给丙。关于该委托中承担责任的说法,正确的是( )。
A. 乙对丙的行为承担责任
B. 乙仅对丙的选任及其对丙的指示承担责任
C. 甲与乙对丙的行为承担连带责任
D. 乙对丙的选任及其对丙的指示,由甲与乙承担连带责任