
改变输电线路参数调压,就是在线路上适当( )。

A. 串联电感器
B. 并联电感器
C. 并联电容器
D. 串联电容器



A. 对
B. 错



A. 3月1日,《广州日报》上刊登了一篇题为《纳天下英才,聚创新智慧,助城市腾飞》的文章。
B. “要记住革命!”——我想起他牺牲前说的话。对,要记住革命!
C. 新华书店在新华征订单上提醒邮购者:务必在汇款单上写清姓名及详细地址(汇款单附言栏内注明所购的书名、册数)。
D. 旅游景点大都承担着对群众进行历史文化教育的责任,景区由谁定、如何定、定多少?都需要充分的论证。

Listen to the poem and fill in the blanks with the missing words.[音频]When we try new things,there is always the risk that we will not be ______,we might try a food we have never tried before and _______ it.It could be too _____or too ______ .It could be too ______.We might try a new sport like snowboarding and end up_______a lot.We might try a new style of music and get a _______.We might check out a different kind of art and be totally______.We might try to speak or write a different language and end up ______ourselves.Who wants that? Sounds _____ to me.But if we take the risk, we might try a new food and end up loving it.It could be sweet or have a great ______It could be an experience that makes our taste buds feel like they are ______.We might try a new sport and _______ but we _______ and eventually experienceexhilaration, even for a minute.We might see why people love that sport so much.We might try a new kind of music and regret that we didn’t _____ it sooner.We might see a new kind of art and be _______.We might try to write or speak a different language,and we might be a little ________ as first;but we don’t let it bother us too much because we know that the only way to improve is to makemistakes and keep on _______.I say: Try a new food.Try a new activity. Try to listen to some new music.Walk into a ______, just on a whim, and look around.Try writing and speaking that other language more.Try making some new friends.There are some risks ________, but I know there are rewards too.
