Section B
Directions: In this section, you will hear 3 short passages. At the end of each passage, you will hear some questions. Both the passage and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a question, you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A, B, C and D.
听力原文: If you plan to remain in the United States for any length of time, you will soon find it too expensive to stay in a hotel and will want to find another place to live in. As is true in cities everywhere in the world, the farther you live outside the city, generally the lower the rents will be. However, traveling to and from the city by bus, car, or train may make it as expensive as living in the city.
Naturally, it is easier to join in the life of a city if one is close to the center. For this reason, you may prefer to live as close to the center of the city as possible. Or, you may prefer to rent a place for only a month or two until you become more familiar with the area.
Your best source of information about-either houses or apartments is likely to be the local newspaper. Usually, the week's most complete listing of houses or apartments to rent appears in the Sunday newspaper, which in many cities, can be obtained late Saturday night. Many people looking for houses or apartments believe that they have a better chance of finding a place to live in if they have all the information as soon as possible. On Sunday morning, they are ready to call or visit.
A. Far away from the city.
B. Inside tile city.
C. Near the city.
D. In the city center.
The Koala's Life Cycle
The breeding season for koalas runs roughly from September to March. This is a time of increased activity, and sound levels increase as males bellow more frequently. This is also when the young from the previous year are dispersing from their mothers. Where koalas live near suburban settlements and major roads, this period heralds the busiest time for koala carets, as koalas on the move cross paths with cars and dogs, and accompanying stress levels mean a higher incidence of sickness.
Females generally start breeding at about three or four years of age and usually produce only one offspring each year. However, not all females in a wild population will breed each year. Some produce offspring only every two or three years, depending on factors such as the age of the female and the quality of the habitat. In the average female's life span of about twelve years, this means that one female may produce only 5 or 6 offspring over her lifetime.
Once a female has conceived it is a short 35 days before the birth of the new baby, called a "joey". The tiny baby which is roughly 2 centimetres long and weighs less than 1 gram, looks rather like a pink jellybean ms it is totally hairless, blind and has no ears.
The joey makes its way from the birth canal to the pouch completely unaided, relying on its already well-developed senses of smell and touch, strong forelimbs and claws and an innate sense of direction. Once inside the safety of the pouch, it attaches itself to one of the two teats, which swells to fill its mouth. This prevents the joey from being dislodged from its source of food The mother contracts her strong sphincter muscle at the pouch opening to prevent the baby from tailing out.
The young koala drinks only mother's milk for the first six to seven months and remains in the pouch for that time, slowly growing and developing eyes, ears, fur etc. At about 22 weeks, its eyes open and it begins to peep out of the pouch. From about 22 to 30 weeks, it begins to feed upon a substance called "pap" which the mother produces in addition to milk. Pap is a specialised form. of faeces, or droppings, which forms an important part of the young koala's diet, 'allowing it to make the transition from milk to eucalyptus leaves, rather like a human baby is fed "mushy" food when it starts to eat solids. Pap is .soft and runny and thought to come from the eaecum. It allows the mother to pass on micro-organisms present in her own digestive system which are essential to the digestion of eucalyptus leaves, and is a rich source of protein.
The joey Leans out of the pouch opening on the centre of the mother's abdomen to feed on the pap, stretching it open towards the source of the pap, and therefore "downwards" or "backwards". This is why koalas are sometimes said to have a "backward-opening" pouch, although this is not strictly true.
The baby feeds regularly on the pap and as it grows it emerges totally from the pouch and lies on its mother's belly to feed. Eventually it begins to feed upon fresh leaves as it rides on its mother's back. The young koala continues to take milk from its mother until it is about a year old, but as it can no longer fit in the pouch, the mother's teat elongates to protrude from the pouch opening. Young koalas remain with their mothers until the appearance outside the pouch of the next season's joey. Then it is time for the previous year's joey to disperse and find its own home range. If a female does not reproduce each year, the joey stays with her longer and has a greater chance of survival when it does leave its mother.
Females generally live longer than males as the males are more often injured during fights, they tend to travel longer distances with the resulting increase in risks such as cars and dogs, and they more often occupy poorer habitats. Putting a life s
A. Y
B. N
听力原文:W: Freedom Travel. May I help you?
M: Yes, I'd like to make a flight reservation for the twenty-third of this month.
W: Okay. What is your destination?
M: Well. I'm flying to Helsinki, Finland.
W: Okay. Let me check what flights are available? And when will you be returning?
M: Uh, well, I'd like to catch a return flight on the twenty-ninth. Oh, and I'd like the cheapest flight available.
W: Okay. Let me see. Urn, hmm...
M: Yeah?
W: Well, the price for the flight is almost double the price you would pay if you leave the day before.
M: Whoo. Let's go with the cheaper flight. By the way, how much is it?
W: It's only $980.
M: Alright. Well, let's go with that.
W: Okay. That's flight 1070 from Salt Lake City to New York, Kennedy Airport, transferring to flight 90 from Kennedy to Helsinki.
M: And what are the departure and arrival times for each of those flights?
W: It leaves Salt Lake City at 10:00 a. m. , arriving in New York at 4:35 p. m. , then transferring to flight 90 at 5:55 p.m. , and arriving in Helsinki at 8:30 a.m. the next day.
M: Alright. And, uh, I'd like to request a vegetarian meal.
W: Sure no problem. And could I have .your name please?
A. Making a travel to Finland.
B. How to post a letter.
C. Reserving airline tickets.
D. Booking a train ticket.
听力原文:M:I hope you can understand why I've decided to leave this company.I do need to get a more challenging job.
W: But l have to remind you that we have spent a lot of time and money on your career here.
Q: How did the woman feel about the man's decision?
A. She was worried.
B. She was indifferent.
C. She was delighted.
D. She was annoyed.
The fact that ability to speak a language is transmitted from generation to generation by
A. performance
B. language acquisition
C. cultural transmission
D. competence