
In the passage, the narrator describes his mother as______.

A. a school teacher who is devoted to her work
B. a person who knows a lot
C. a person who is restless
D. a person who has a soaring aspiration


Motor homes have become popular because ______ .

A. they can take people to another city when people are free
B. they can let families have a happier life when they go out for their holidays
C. some people think motor homes are cheap
D. big families can put more things in motor homes

Americans usually use motor homes ______ .

A. to travel with all the family members for holiday
B. to do some shopping with all the family members
C. to visit their grandparents at weekends
D. to drive their children to school every day

Directions: In this section you will hear everything ONCE ONLY. Listen carefully and then answer the questions that follow. Questions 1 to 5 are based on an interview. At the end of the interview you will be given 10 seconds to answer each of the following five questions.
Now listen to the interview.
听力原文:George Stephanopoulos: Mr. Wolfensohn welcome. You just heard the Secretary-General, Kofi Annan, say this is going to be a five-to-ten year effort costing billions of dollars, your organization pledged $250 million earlier in the week, is it safe to assume that number is going to go up?
World Bank President James D. Wolfensohn: Yes, it's certain that it will. The $250 million is for the immediate emergency and, as you heard from the Secretary-General and from your correspondents, the real question at the moment is delivering supplies, making sure that people have water and medical attention, it's not the distribution of the money. So this that we' vc indicated is for immediate reconstruction needs and after that there will be a great deal more coming.
Stephanopoulos: So this is just a downpayment. Do you have any idea what kind of investment the World Bank is going to be making over the long-term?
Wolfensohn: I think it is very, very difficult to say at this moment. We'll be going out within a couple of weeks to do a needs assessment in these countries along with our colleagues from the Asian Development Bank, from the UN, from Japan, from the United States. What is important is to let the people in the countries drive what their needs are and have a coordinated effort, engage the community, and only after that will we know how much. It's my expectation that the community will come together and give these governments considerable help.
Stephanopoulos: Billions? Are you saying you expect in to be billions?
Wolfensohn: Well it will be some billions of dollars that will come from the international community and my guess is that the World Bank itself will probably double or treble the amount of money for further reconstruction.
Stephanopoulos: As you talk with the core group, as you talk with the Secretary-General, as you talk with your representatives on the ground, how are you all dividing up responsibilities, what is the specific role of the 'World Bank right now?
Wolfensohn: Well the specific role of the World Bank is to be ready with financial assistance immediately after this emergency takes place because you need to reconnect water, you need to reconnect power, you need roads, you need bridges, and that has to be done urgently. At this moment, the critical need is survival and immediately after the emergency then the World Bank and the other agencies come in to work under the leadership of the governments, to make sure that the locality is reconstructed both physically and emotionally. The thing that is crucial here is the human dimension of it and the other aspect that we need to understand is that these areas are real poverty areas. These are areas in which we' ye been working for many, many years, and there are also areas, interestingly enough, which have been subject to conflict. So, we have a dimension of work, which ranges from the human to the resolution of conflict in conjunction with the UN and then under the leadership of the government, the reconstruction itself.
Stephanoponlos: I know that in recent years the World Bank is starting to pay more attention to preventing the worst effects of natural disasters before they happen, why wash' t a better early-warning system in place here?
Wolfensohn: Well I think no-one expected, in the Indian Ocean, to have the same experience that there was in the Pacific. I think you that in the tsunamis that have happened just recently in the last 50 years that they're generally centered on the Pacific and there has been an early-warning system, and in the case of the Maldives, which is in the Indian Ocean. it was s

A. the Asian Development Bank, the EU, Japan, and the United States
B. the Asian Development Bank, the U.S, Japan, and the United Nations
C. the Asian Development Bank, the UN, Japan and the United States
D. the Asian Development Bank, the UN, Japan, and the United Kingdoms

Joseph Machlis says that the blues is a native American musical and verse form, with no direct European and African antecedents of which we know. In other words, it is a blending of both traditions. Something special and entirely different from either of its parent traditions. (Although Alan Lomax cites some examples of very, similar songs having been found in Northwest Africa, particularly among the Wolof and Watusi)
The word ' blue' has been associated with the idea of melancholia or depression since the Elizabethan era. The American writer, Washington Irving is credited with coining the term' the blues.' as it is now defined, in 1807. The earlier (almost entirely Negro) history of the blues musical tradition is traced through oral tradition as far back as the 1860s.
When African and European music first began to merge to create what eventually became the blues, the slaves sang songs filled with words telling of their extreme suffering and privation. One of the many responses to their oppressive environment resulted in the field holler. The field holler gave rise to the spiritual, and the blues, "notable among all human works of art for their profound despair... They gave voice to the mood of alienation and anomie that prevailed in the construction camps of the South," for it was in the Mississippi Delta that blacks were often forcibly conscripted to work on the levee and land-clearing crews, where they were often abused and then tossed aside or worked to death.
Alan Lomax states that the blues tradition was considered to be a masculine discipline (although some of the first blues songs heard by whites were sung by ' lady' blues singers like Mamie Smith and Bessie Smith) and not many black women were to be found singing the blues in the juke-joints. The Southern prisons also contributed considerably to the blues tradition through work songs and the songs of death row and murder, prostitutes, the warden, the hot sun, and a hundred other privations. The prison road crews and work gangs where were many bluesmen found their songs, and where many other blacks simply became familiar with the same songs.
Following the Civil War (according to Rolling Stone), the blues arose as "a distillate of the African music brought over by slaves. Field hollers, ballads, church music and rhythmic dance tunes called jump-ups evolved into a music for a singer who would engage in call-and-response with his guitar. He would sing a line, and the guitar would answer it." By the 1890s the blues were sung in many of the rural areas of the South. And by 1910, the word ' blues' as applied to the musical tradition was in fairly common use.
Some 'bluesologists' claim (rather dubiously) that the first blues song that was ever written down was 'Dallas Blues,' published in 1912 by Hart Wand, a white violinist from Oklahoma City. The blues form. was first popularized about 1911-14 by the black composer W.C. Handy (1873- 1958). However, the poetic and musical form. of the blues first crystallized around 1910 and gained popularity through the publication of Handy's "Memphis Blues" (1912) and "St. Louis Blues" (1914). Instrumental blues had been recorded as early as 1913. Mamie Smith recorded the first vocal blues song, ' Crazy Blues' in 1920. Priestly claims that while the widespread popularity of the blues had a vital influence on subsequent jazz, it was the "initial popularity of jazz which had made possible the recording of blues in the first place, and thus made possible the absorption of blues into both jazz as well as the mainstream of pop music."
American troops brought the blues home with them following the First World War. They did not, of course, learn them from Europeans, but from Southern whites who had been exposed to the blues. At this time, the U.S. Army was still segregated. During the twenties, the blues became a national craze. Records by leading blues singers like Bessie Smith and late

A. It came from African tradition
B. American natives created the blues independently
C. It was associated with the idea of mental diseases
D. It was actually affected by the two traditions
