A. 某县人民代表大会共有代表350名,现有60名代表提议召集本级人民代表大会临时会议,县人民代表大会常务委员会决定应代表的要求,召开人民代表大会会议
B. 某直辖市人民代表大会罢免该市某中级人民法院的院长
C. 全国人大常委会撤销国务院制定的行政法规
D. 全国人民代表大会专门委员会撤销某省人民代表大会制定的同法律相抵触的地方性法规
What does the word "think-tanks" (Paragraph 2) mean?
A. Tanks that can think as human beings.
B. An institute or group providing solutions for some problems.
C. A group of authoritative people.
D. Scholars and professional men.
A. in spite
B. regardless
C. careless
D. whatever
A. ready
B. at risk
C. maybe
D. in danger
According to the passage, "West Texas Intermediate" (Paragraph 4) refers to
A. an oil industry.
B. an oil company.
C. a government organization.
D. a kind of crude oil.