

A. 甲因饮酒过量醉卧街头。乙向围观群众声称甲系其好友,将甲扶于无人之处,掏走甲身上一千余元离去。乙的行为构成盗窃罪
B. 甲与乙在火车上相识,下车后同到一饭馆就餐。乙殷勤劝酒,将甲灌醉,掏走甲身上一千余元离去。乙的行为构成盗窃罪
C. 甲去一餐馆吃晚饭,时值该餐馆打烊,服务员已下班离去,只有老板乙在清账理财。在甲再三要求之下,乙无奈亲自下厨准备饭菜。甲趁机将厨房门反锁,致乙欲出不能,只能从递菜窗口眼看着甲打开柜台抽屉拿走一千余元离去。甲的行为构成盗窃罪
D. 甲在街头出售报纸时发现乙与一摊主因买东西发生纠纷,其携带的箱子(内有贵重物品)放在身旁的地上,便提起该箱子悄悄溜走。乙发现后紧迫不舍。为摆脱乙的追赶,甲将手中剩余的几张报纸卷成一团扔向乙,击中乙脸,乙受惊吓几乎滑倒。随之又追,终于抓住甲。甲的行为构成盗窃罪



A. 司法拘留是对妨害诉讼的强制措施,行政拘留是行政制裁方法,被司法拘留和行政拘留的人均羁押在行政拘留所;刑事拘留是一种强制措施,被刑事拘留的人羁押在看守所
B. 司法拘留、行政拘留、刑事拘留都是一种处罚手段
C. 司法拘留、行政拘留、刑事拘留都是一种强制措施
D. 司法拘留、行政拘留、刑事拘留均可由公安机关决定

The dictionary is often used to determine the correct spelling of words, or to find out the accepted pronunciation. But such【C1】______ is perhaps not the most important【C2】______ an intellectual point of view. Dictionaries may,【C3】______ , have social importance. It is often a matter of some【C4】______ to the person using the dictionary that he should not suggest to others, by misspelling a word in a letter, or mispronouncing it in conversation, that he is not【C5】______ .
Yet,【C6】______ familiarity with the dictionary, the【C7】______ person is likely to have many wrong ideas about it, and no real【C8】______ of how to use it profitably, or【C9】______ it correctly. For example, it is often believed that the【C10】______ presence of a word in a dictionary is【C11】______ that it is acceptable in good writing. Though most dictionaries have a system of marking words as【C12】______ , or in use only【C13】______ slang, many people, more especially if their use of a particular word has been【C14】______ , are likely to conclude, if they find it in a dictionary, that it is accepted as being used by writers of established reputation. This would certainly have been【C15】______ of dictionaries a hundred years ago. For a long time after they were first【C16】______ established in the eighteenth century, their aim was to 【C17】______ only what was used by the best writers, and all else was【C18】______ , and the compiler frequently【C19】______ that his dictionary contained no "low" words. Apparently this aspect of the dictionary achieved such importance in the mind of the average person the most people today are unaware【C20】______ the great change which has taken place in the compilation of present-day dictionaries.

A. conveyance
B. action
C. case
D. use


A. 信用卡诈骗罪的主体可以是单位,但贷款诈骗罪的主体只能是自然人
B. 行政机关可以成为单位犯罪的主体
C. 不具备法人资格的私营企业不能成为单位犯罪的主体
D. 经企业领导集体研究决定并实施的盗窃电力的行为,可以成立单位犯罪,但不对单位判处罚金,只处罚作出该决定的单位领导和直接实施盗窃行为的责任人员

A.They eat only fresh vegetable.B.They eat red meat but no fat.C.They eat no meat.D.Th

A. They eat only fresh vegetable.
B. They eat red meat but no fat.
C. They eat no meat.
D. They live a long life.
