A. 图书
B. 粮食
C. 电子出版物
D. 暖气
A. 实行简易征税办法
B. 不使用增值税专用发票
C. 不允许抵扣增值税进项税额
D. 可以请税务机关代开增值税专用发票
As a literary trend in Britain, ___came as a result of discount of certain enlighteners in social reality in the middle of 18th century.
A. Sentimentalism
B. Imagism
C. Social crtitism
D. Modernism
Which of the following is not true about Robinson Rrusoe?
A. It is written in the autobiographical form.
B. It is a record of Defoe's own experience.
C. Robinson spends 28 years of isolated life on the island,
D. It is set in the middle of the 17th century.
___compiled the The Dictionary of the English Language.
A. Ben Johnson
B. Samuel Johnson
C. Alexander Pope
D. John Dryden