A. 解除肺血管痉挛
B. 补充血容量,纠正休克
C. 防止凝血功能障碍
D. 维持有效呼吸
E. 应用缩宫素加强宫缩缩短产程
A. 通知家属
B. 通知医生
C. 停用缩宫素
D. 吸氧保暖
E. 做剖宫产的准备
A. 胎盘早剥
B. 先兆子宫破裂
C. 高张性宫缩乏力
D. 子宫收缩过强
E. 痉挛性子宫
A. 立即给予镇静剂
B. 抗休克治疗
C. 立即停用缩宫素,抑制宫缩同时进行剖宫产
D. 吸氧
E. 剖宫产
Reading in DepthThere is a short passage with 10 blanks. You are required to select one word for each blank from a list of choices given in the word bank following the passage. Read the passage through carefully before making your choices. You may not use any of the words in the bank more than once.The need for 1____________bike-sharing systems has never been greater. Cities are on a mission to modernize urban mobility to keep pace with the public’s shift away from personal vehicle 2____________and toward shared transportation. However, bike-sharing’s tremendous growth and evolution — most notably the recent shift from 3___________-based to dockless systems — has not been without obstacles.Over the past few years, some cities have moved toward a dockless model that took China by storm: 4____________ streetscapes with a flood of 5__________, cheap bikes to gain market share. But as bikes began piling up, getting stolen, and blocking roadways, cities in America are beginning to 6 __________whether this model is practical. However, there are a number of guidelines that should be followed in order to build sustainable bike-sharing businesses in the West.Firstly, providers should prime 7____________members for the new service to ensure the bike-sharing debuts in a welcoming atmosphere. Bike advocacy groups should be 8_____________, and a launch event with city officials would allow the business to open in a favorable environment.Secondly, bike-sharing providers must engage 9______________officials, local businesses, and community members to understand and adequately address their needs, and fill any gaps in the current 10______________system. All transit systems should integrate with each other.