构建农村( )融合发展体系。大力开发农业多种功能,延长产业链、提升价值链、完善利益链,通过保底分红、股份合作、利润返还等多种形式,让农民合理全产业链增值收益。
A. 一二产业
B. 二三产业
C. 一三产业
D. 一二三产业
Fill in the blanks based on what you hear.1【填空题】As long as you are committed to your goals and you are ____about your dreams, you will ____accomplish them.2【填空题】To accomplish ____results in your life, you have to be 100 percent committed and you must be willing to ____your time and effort.3【填空题】There are three steps that you should follow to achieve success: ____, ____, ____.
A. 强度
B. 硬度
C. 塑性
D. 冲击吸收力
A. 拉伸载荷
B. 冲击载荷
C. 交变载荷
D. 扭转载荷
一般工程图样上常标注材料的( ),作为零件检验的验收的主要依据。
A. 强度
B. 硬度
C. 塑性
D. 冲击吸收力