The greeting ceremony should be brief to make the visitors aware that they will be taken to their hotel as soon as possible. If the visitors arrive in the morning, it is certainly acceptable to extend a dinner invitation. However, remember that the visitors will be jet-lagged when they arrive. Don’t plan anything big for their first day, just let them get some rest and adapt themselves to a new time zone that may be four, six, or more hours different from their own. It is better for the visitors to decide the first day’s schedule. Don’t conduct actual business untilthe visitors are well rested.
A. 建筑平面图
B. 楼层结构平面图
C. 基础平面图
D. 基础详图
A. 对
B. 错
下面一篇新闻的语言存在什么问题?扬子江传奇的河豚面临灭绝中国武汉电: 从前,气势庞大的扬子江曾经是几千头中国河豚的游乐场。而今天,这条河成了他们的坟场。这种看上去优美的、长鼻、白肚皮的河豚,在神话中被传说为能在湖面和江河上驮着神仙狂奔的骏马,今天正在遭受铁钩刺杀、鱼网缠绕、污染窒息和挖泥爆破和轮船螺旋桨打成碎片的残害。今天,中国的河豚(中国人称其为白鳍豚)漂浮在灭绝的边缘,这是人类在经济发展的长征中又一个牺牲。专家估计,中国的白鳍豚目前不足100头,成为世界上最靠近濒临灭绝边缘的动物之一。而且,很快的,如果白鳍豚还能活那么长的话,白鳍豚将面临另外一场求生存的挑战:三峡大坝的建成将改变水温、洪水的模式和这个稀有淡水豚的栖息地。