
与任脉交会的经脉有( )

A. 足三阴经
B. 手三阴经
C. 冲脉
D. 阴跷脉
E. 阴维脉第四章 经络 18


In O. Henry’s short story “Springtime”what is the main character, Sarah, doing in the start of the story?

A. Crying
B. Screaming
C. Driving
D. Sleeping

In O. Henry’s short story “Springtime ”where does Sarah’s food come from?

A church
B. The restaurant for which she types menus
C. The restaurant where her father works
D. Her husband’s farm

What did Sarah do for a living?

A. She typed menu for a neighboring restaurant.
B. She workedas a waitressina neighboringrestaurant.
C. She worked as a cook in a neighboring restaurant.

In O. Henry’s short story “Springtime ”, why is Sarah crying?

A. Her fiancé has passed away.
B. Her father has passed away.
C. Her sister hasn’t written in months, and she is worried.
D. Her fiancé hasn’t written even though he promised.
