
Which of the folllowing statement about Mr Berlusconi is True?

A. He believed tens of thousands of ballots were disputed.
B. is ready to accept defeat in the general election.
C. He Challenged the Interior Ministry’s statement.
D. deprived Ramano Prodi’s centre-left coalition a victory.


Germany’s voting systemThe German federal governmentthree main parts: a) 1b)the executive branchc) 2The legislative branchtwo 3 : a)the Bundesratb)the Bundestag.The Bundestagbased in 4elected every four yearsThe 5 of seats up for election is 598Voting ProceduresSeats of the BundestagGermans cast two votes : a)one for a 6 from their own constituencyb) the other for a 7Political parties put together 8 .A party has to receive at least 5% of the second votes in a state to qualify for a seat.If Germans split their ballots, 9 seats make sure every directly-elected candidate gets a seat, while political parties are still 10 .The federal chancellorThe 11 Bundestag votes for the federal chancellor.The chancellor needs 12 the votes of to form a government. Sometimes the biggest party 13 other smaller political parties to get the votes they need.The chancellor chooses members of his or her 14 Chancellors serve four-year terms and don’t have 15 .

根据购买主体和购买动机,将市场划分为组织市场和( )

A. 本地市场
B. 国内市场
C. 国际市场
D. 消费者市场

消费者小王在购买冰箱时,在普通上下双开门冰箱、三开门冰箱和左右对开门冰箱之间进行权衡选择,这种不同类型冰箱之间的竞争关系属于( )

A. 欲望竞争者
B. 属类竞争者
C. 产品竞争者
D. 品种竞争者

影响消费者需求变化的最活跃的经济因素是( )

A. 人均GDP
B. 个人收入
C. 个人可支配收入
D. 个人可任意支配收入
