精准定制类手机新闻客户端会根据个人的阅读习惯定向推荐内容,属于这一类的客户端有( )
A. 腾讯新闻
B. 网易新闻
C. 新浪新闻
D. 今日头条
A. 真实性
B. 运营策略与社交网络服务
C. 开放式互动性
D. 话题管理模式
直播营销受大众青睐的原因是( )
A. 极强的实施互动性
B. 获取的精准用户
C. 实施产生转化
D. 网络运营成本低
Complete the following statements according to what you have heard. (注意所填单词形式)1. According to the speaker, one of the greatest generation gaps in history was the one between (1)_______________and their (2)_____________and (3)_____________________.2. People refusing to go to war in 1942 were considered (4)_______________________; whereas many Boomers protested the war in Vietnam because they (5)_________________its morality.3. The speaker’s father, having grown up in (6)______________________times, doesn’t care much for (7)___________________and (8)__________________(两个词).