5. Despite various kinds of potential hardships such as meeting with blizzard and fierce animals, the millionaire decided on his ambitious plan for the world tour in the next month.
A. hurricane
B. deluge
C. tornado
D. violent snowstorm
While it's easy to see achievements, other powerful stories can come from near misses that teach people that risk has its rewards.
Even a failure makes a good story when it is positioned to focus on the learning experience derived from it.
长期荷载作用下,混凝土会发生徐变。轴心受压构件,随着荷载作用时间的延长,纵筋和混凝土的压应力会发生变化,变化的规律正确的是( )
A. 混凝土和钢筋压应力都减小
B. 混凝土和钢筋压应力都增大
C. 混凝土压应力减小,纵筋压应力增大
D. 混凝土压应力增大,纵筋压应力减小
轴心受压的普通箍筋柱,纵筋配筋率要小于最大配筋率。如果纵筋配筋率大于最大配筋率,则会( )
A. 导致柱在轴压力作用下变形加大
B. 导致长期荷载作用下混凝土开裂