Why do people like claiming Big Foot as a friend of them()
A. Because they want to have his protection
Because the father of Big Foot is a policeman
C. Because they are from the same street
D. Because they are really his friends
What is the social setting of “The Chrysanthemum”()
A. It happens in a male-dominated society
B. It shows a society with great social upheaval
C. It is a time of economic depression
D. It is a time of civil movement
Which of the following statement shows Henry, the husband’s practicality()
A. He compliments her gift of raising plants
B. He wish she would work out in the orchard and raise some big apples
C. He likes it when seeing her “strong new crops”
D. He talks business with the men in the tractor shed
What social event is “The Chrysanthemums” associated with()
A. Black is beautiful
B. Civil Rights Movement
C. Women gaining the right of suffrage
D. Third wave feminism
What is the main group of people that Steinbeck wrote about()
A. The lower middle class
B. The intellectuals
C. The ethnic groups
D. Professional women