5.What is the last request Li Ting makes?
A. Finishing reading the book.
B. Submitting her term paper.
C. Keeping the book for another week.
以下试剂能作为基准物质的是( )
A. 优级纯的NaOH
B. 化学纯的Co2O3
C. 100℃干燥过的CaO
D. 99.99%纯锌
A. 氧化性溶液
B. 酸性溶液
C. 中性溶液
D. 碱性溶液
A. 优级氢氧化钠
B. 优级纯浓硫酸
C. 优级纯高锰酸钾
D. 优级纯重铬酸钾
They ____(live) in the suburb when she was only a child.