
Choose the correct translation method used in the translation of the underlined word.An outsider's success could even curiously help two parties to get the agreement they want.译:说来奇怪,一个局外人取得的成功竟然能够促进双方达到一项他们希望取得的协议。

A. embedding
B. splitting
C. recasting


Put the following expression into Chinese.working on the largest collection of citations ever assembled in any language翻译:对任何语言中所_______________进行______加工

Put the following expression into Chinese.to ensure to all the members the rights and benefits resulting from membership翻译:确保全体会员享有__________应有的权益

Put the following expression into Chinese.vis-a-vis consultation翻译:__________

Put the following expression into English.有的河清澈见底(译成名词短语)翻译:___________ rivers
