

A. 对以出让方式取得土地使用权用于投资开发的,按照土地使用权出让合同约定进行投资开发,属于房屋建设工程的,应完成开发投资总额的25%以上,同时应按照出让合同约定已经支付全部土地使用权出让金,并取得土地使用权证书
B. 司法机关和行政机关依法裁定,决定查封或以其他形式限制房地产权利的
C. 共有房地产,但经过其他共有人书面同意的
D. 未依法登记领取权属证书的



A. 立据人
B. 立合同人
C. 使用人
D. 领受人


A. 4.50%,
B. 4.58%
C. 4.69%
D. 5.00%

下列各种因素的变化可能会导致利率上升的是()。 (1)通货膨胀率上升 (2)央行增加基础货币的发行 (3)经济由复苏转向繁荣 (4)国外主要国家提高利率

A. (1)(3)
B. (2)(4)
C. (1)(3)(4)
D. (1)(2)(3)(4)

Directions: In this section, you will hear several passages. Listen to the passages carefully and then answer the questions that follow.
听力原文: Hollywood produces many different kinds of films, including mysteries, musicals, love stories and horror films. Different as these films may be, they generally have one thing in common—conflict. The main character wants something very badly and will do anything to get it. The opponent tries to stop the main character from achieving his goal. This opposition creates conflict, and conflict is the heart of drama. To give an example, let's say the main character is a young man of humble origin who wants to marry the beautiful daughter of a rich banker. The father thinks the young man is unworthy of his daughter, and he does not allow her to see him. The young man, who is very much in love, refuses to give up without a fight. The conflict between the young man and the girl's father is what makes the story interesting; it forces the main character to take action, and through their actions we see them as they really are. In a good story, the main character changes. He is not the same at the end of the story as he was at the beginning. He learns something from his experiences that makes him a different, perhaps better person. And we learn something from watching him. Good movies not only entertain us, they also help us understand a little more about life.
What is common to all the films produced in Hollywood?

A. Love.
B. Conflict.
C. Violence.
D. Mystery.
