According to the news, what's the US military doing now?
A. They are inquisiting Saddam Hussein.
B. They are taking photos on Saddam Hussein.
C. They are releasing some Saddam Hussein's photos.
D. They are investigating how these photos got out.
A. 使肺之呼吸保持一定的深度
B. 有助于元气的固摄
C. 有助于精液的固摄
D. 有助于元气的生成
E. 有助于肺气的宣发
A. 麻黄素
B. 异丙肾上腺素
C. 阿托品
D. 起搏器治疗
E. 西地兰
According to the new theory, where did ocean water come from?
A. Disintegrating comets.
B. Gases in the atmosphere.
C. Underground water that rose to the surface.
D. Water vapor.