
Most of us have also had trips that we would【14】to forget. Many conditions Can produce a bad traveling experience. For example,if the four conditions listed above do not exist,we will probably have a bad experience,【15】at best a difficult【16】. Students who travel to a foreign country to study often have a difficult trip. They usually travel alone. They don't know the language of the new country【17】. They often arrive in the new country【18】a huge international airport. From the airport,they need to find their way to their school. Maybe they need to change airplanes,to take a bus,a train,or a taxi. They need to do all this in a country【19】everything is unfamiliar. Later,after the experiences are over,they Can laugh. But at the【20】,they feel terrible.

A. include
B. conclude
C. hold
D. contain


The passage tells us that______.

A. sometimes advertisements really sell what the consumer needs
B. advertisements occasionally force consumers into buying things they don't need
C. the buying motives of consumers are controlled by advertisement
D. fire insurance is seldom a worthwhile investment


A. 正确
B. 错误

Oxbridge graduates make______only two percent of the total number of students who graduate

A. of
B. to
C. up
D. about


A. 采用托收承付方式销售商品的,一般应在商品发出并办妥托收手续时确认收入
B. 在销售产品或提供劳务的同时授予奖励积分的,应当将销售取得的货款或应收货款在本次商品销售或劳务提供产生的收入与奖励积分的公允价值之间进行分配,将取得的货款或应收货款扣除奖励积分公允价值的部分确认为收入,奖励积分的公允价值确认为递延收益
C. 获得奖励积分的客户满足条件时有权利取得授予企业的商品或服务,在客户兑换奖励积分时,授予企业应将原计入递延收益的与所兑换积分相关的部分确认为收入,确认为收入的金额应当以被兑换用于换取奖励的积分数额占预期将兑换用于换取奖励的积分总数比例为基础计算确定
D. 实质具有融资性质的分期收款销售商品,应按合同约定分期收款的日期确认收入
