
Which of the following prefixes are opposite in meaning?

A. hyper- and hypo-
B. kilo- and centi-
C. semi- and hemi-
D. trans- and re-


A word prefix appears:

A. in the middle of the word
B. after a suffix
C. at the end of the word
D. at the beginning of the word

Which of the following prefixes show negation?

A. dis-
B. un-
C. non-
D. a-/an-
E. de-
F. in-/il-/ir-/im-
G. re-

Which of the following prefixes are numeral prefix?

A. semi-
B. uni-
C. bi-
D. tri-
E. meso-
F. pan-
G. leuco-
H. kilo-

The term unilateral refers to ____side (later/o).
