Audio scriptA recent survey shows that 1. ____ (写阿拉伯数字)of adult Chinese citizens write less than four handwritten letters per year. Two Chinese office workers, Huang and Zhao are talking about whether handwriting 2. __________ ____ .Huang: Well, I' m a little bit 3.____ about my Chinese handwriting skills. I use my computer 4. ____ ____ e-mails and my cellphone 5.____ ____ messages. It's so easy 6.____ ____ how to write Chinese characters.Zhao: Well, Huang, you are not alone in your worries. Last week, I 7.____ ____ a postcard my father 8.____ me. I was struck by how neat and clear it was. You know, he does not live with me, but his unique handwriting 9.______ _______ my days with him.Sometimes, I wonder, will my son 10. ____ ____ ____ my handwriting? My ugly handwriting!Huang: How can your handwriting be beautiful, Zhao, when we 11.____ ____ computers, cellphones and other electronic tools 12.____ ____ ? I am afraid that one daywriting by hand will become very difficult because children may be unable 13. ____ ____ the stroke sequences笔划顺序to write some characters.Zhao: Quite possible. You see, traditional calligraphy 14. ____ less attention now. My teacher 15. ____ ____ ____ us more about traditional Chinese calligraphy.Huang: It's not the teacher’s fault. People now 16. ____ ____ ________ the importance of practising calligraphy. They think computers can help people 17.____ ____ ____ characters.Zhao: Word processing 18____ ____ it much easier to communicate, but Chinese handwriting is a tradition of nearly 4,000 years old. How can we 19. ____ it? It's time to do something to help 20. ____ the tradition of handwritten letters.Huang: Recently, an organization 21. ____ ____ a movement entitled"Please Write Letters”, 22. ____ people to send more handwritten letters, to put pen to paper. In some companies, 23.____ a handwritten note 24.____ ____ ____ __something of a compliment, for it’s more 25. ____ ____ _______ .Zhao: I hope that will work.