
TranslationTranslate the following paragraph into English.中华文明曾对世界文明产生过重大影响。近年来, 随着我国经济的发展和国际地位的提升, 历史悠久的中国文化正引起世界新的关注。越来越多的中国元素为当今世界时尚、文学、影视作品等提供了创作灵感, 成为热门题材。这一现象表明, 世界需要中国文化。在这种背景下, 我国决定实施文化“走出去”的战略, 以加强中国与世界其他各国的文化交流。经过数年的努力, 这项工程已经取得了很大成绩。文化“走出去”大力推动了我国文化产业的发展, 正成为提开我国国家形象和综合实力的有效途径。


WritingWrite a narrative essay of no less than 200 words on the following topic. Your essay should include one or more direct dialogs. This is an outline that you can follow.Topic:A frustrating experienceIntroduction:Introduce the background of the story and state your thesisBody:Describe what happened to you in detail. Be sure to include one or more direct dialogs in your descriptions.Conclusion:Conclude your essay with a final thought about the experience, or a lesson learned from itMore topics:An unforgettable experienceA difficult decision

列各数中,有效数字位数为四位的是 ( ) .

A. [H+]=0.0020mol/L
B. CaO %=19.96
C. pH=10.26
D. 5000

已知某溶液pH=0.070,其氢离子浓度为( ) mol·L-1.

A. 0.085
B. 0.8511
C. 0.8
D. 0.851

在20℃,99.3 kPa的气压下,用排水法收集氮气,已知20℃时的饱和水蒸气压为2.33kPa,求此时氮气的压力为( )

A. 99.3 kPa
B. 101.63 kPa
C. 96.97 kPa
D. 94.64 kPa
