The governments of the following countries are identified as the Westminster form of government except
A. Canada
B. Australia
C. America
D. New Zealand
What are the three major functions that the House of Commons perform?
A. Draft new laws
B. Scrutinize, criticize, and restrain the actions of the government
C. Influence future government policy
D. regularly review and amend Bills
What are the UK’s three distinct systems of law?
A. Wales Law
B. English law
C. Northern Ireland law
D. Scots law
What roles do the UK supreme court play?
A. be the final court of appeal for all UK civil cases, and criminal cases from England, Wales and Northern Ireland
B. hear appeals on arguable points of law of general public importance
C. concentrate on cases of the greatest public and constitutional importance
D. maintain and develop the role of the highest court in the UK as a leader in the common law world
What conditions does a presidential candidate have to meet?
A. be a natural-born citizen of the United States
B. be at least 35 years old
C. be a business tycoon
D. be a permanent resident in the US for at least 14 years