

A. 老鼠
B. 猫
C. 兔子
D. 蜥蜴


“中国改革第一村”是指( )

A. 江苏无锡华西村
B. 安徽凤阳小岗村
C. 河南临颍县南街村

在中共中央的支持和推动下,家庭联产承包责任制在全国各地逐渐推广开来。 家庭联产承包责任制的主要形式有( )

A. 包产到户、包干到户
B. 包产到组、包干到组

Why was the woman given a fine?

A. Because she refused to send her son to school.
Because she didn’t attend parenting classes.
C. Because she didn’t take good care of her son.
D. Because her son was often absent from school.

What’s the problem with her son?

A. He goes to bed too late.
B. He isn’t efficient at work.
C. He often falls asleep during class.
D. He spends too much time traveling.
