
材料一 各项参政员候选人推出后……报告中国国民党中央执行委员会。国民参政会参政员资格审议会置委员九人,其人选由中国国民党中央执行委员会指定。国民参政会有听取政府施政报告暨向政府提出询问案之权。——《国民参政会组织条例》(1938年4月)材料二 毛泽东等人发表对国民参政会的意见称:“虽然在其产生的方法上,在其职权的规定上,国民参政会还不是尽如人意的全权的人民代表机关;但是,并不因此而失掉国民参政会在今天的作用与意义……共产党人除继续努力于促进普选的、全权的人民代表机关在将来能以建立外,将以最积极、最热忱、最诚挚的态度去参加国民参政会的工作。”(1)根据材料一、二,概括指出国共两党在国民参政会问题上的不同主张。___________________________________________________________________________________________(2)根据材料一、二并结合所学知识,说明国民参政会的历史作用。___________________________________________________________________________________________


It is a place where doctors and nurses work.

A. inpatient department
B. hospital
C. outpatient department
D. ward
E. nurse station

It is a room where patient lives when he/she is ill and being treated in hospital. ____

A. inpatient department
B. outpatient department
C. hospital
D. ward
E. nurse station

It is something that a patient should take according to the doctors instructions when he/she is sick.

A. inpatient department
B. outpatient department
C. ward
D. hospital
E. nurse station
F. medicine
G. doctor
H. nurse

It is a place where nurses work in each department.

A. inpatient department
B. outpatient department
C. hospital
D. ward
E. nurse station
