止血带止血法适用于____,当其他止血法不能止血时才用此法。止血带有橡皮止血带(橡皮条和橡皮带)、气性止血带(如血压计袖带)和布制止血带: ( )
A. 颈部和臀部大而深的伤口
B. 适用于各种伤口B.
C. 四肢大出血
D. 适用于较小伤口的出血
现场止血急救技术常用的有___种,使用时要根据具体情况,可选用其中一种,也可以把几种止血法结合一起应用,以达到最快、最有效、最安全的止血目的。( )
A. 4
B. 5
C. 6
D. 7
Directions: Listen to the following passage and fill in the blanks with what you hear.[音频]Love and friendship are the brightest moments of our life. They are the1)______of joy and energy to motivate us.Parents are the unsung2)_______of every person that has ever done anything great. They sow the seeds of greatness in our life. Friendship is the3)______of life. It is essential to our wellbeing. We could not survive without it. Falling in love may be one of the4)________feelings ever.Colors seem brighter, sounds more resonant and smells more powerful when you are in love. They reflect different aspects of our life. They represent5) ____________, which require time, effort and many other characteristics. They assume emotional involvement, care, respect and6) _______. They make people happier. They bring7)_______emotions and feelings even in the periods ofconflicts and8) __________, which are inevitable parts of our life.
A. 成组产品定价
B. 产品线定价法
C. 分部定价
D. 互补产品定价