变量泵-定量马达的容积式调速回路属于恒扭矩调速。 ( )
A. 对
B. 错
定量泵-变量马达的容积式调速回路属于恒功率调速。 ( )
A. 对
B. 错
Task 2 Understanding the TextEach statement below contains information given in one of the paragraphs. Identify the paragraph from which the information is derived. You may choose a paragraph more than once.1. You will be happier if the person you helped shows gratitude.2. If you often try to find out positive things in your life, you will be happier.3. There are many things in your daily life that you should be thankful for.4. Some rich people are not happy, while some poor people live a happy life.5. Many ways to pursue happiness is time-consuming.6. There are reasons why helping somebody in itself makes us feel good.7. Concentrating your attention on what you are experiencing now in the real world, you may forget your worries and become happier.
Task 1 Looking for Main IdeasFind the topics and main ideas of Paragraph A-C, and fill in the blanks below.Paragraph ATopic: 1.__________________Main idea: 2.________________________________________Paragraph BTopic: 3.__________________Main idea: 4.________________________________________Paragraph CTopic: 5.__________________Main idea:6.________________________________________