
As an essayist Bacon stands at almost the opposite pole from his great French predecessor____, who proposed to learn about human-kind by an intensive analysis of his own sensations, emotions, attitudes, and ideas. Bacon’s essays are instead on topics “Civil and Moral.”

A. François Rabelais
B. Michel de Montaigne
C. Nicholas Machiavelli
D. PierredeRonsard


In his____ (1644), John Milton had an impassioned defense of a free press and the free commerce in ideas against a Parliament determined to restore effective censorship.

A. Lycidas
B. Paradise Lost
C. Paradise Regained
D. Areopagitica

The first play of Christopher Marlowe was _______.

A. Doctor Faustus
B. The Jew of Malta
C. Tamburlaine

In which play does Marlowe tell the story of the scholar who sells his soul to the Devil for worldly enjoyment and unlimited knowledge?

A. Doctor Faustus
B. Edward II
C. Tamburlaine

Ben Jonson is best known for his _______.

A. Humorous plays
B. Comedy of Humours
C. Farce
