账户与会计科目的区别表现在( )。
A. 账户与会计科目的作用是不同的
B. 账户有结构,会计科目则无结构
C. 账户不是依据会计科目开设的,两者名称不一致
D. 会计要素的增减变化要在账户中进行登记,而会计科目则不能
下列属于资产类科目的有( )。
A. 持有至到期投资
B. 预付账款
C. 预收账款
D. 累计折旧
Answer the following questions according to the passage.1)What is one of the cultural differences that might annoy Americans?People from other cultures have a different ________________________.
What is the American attitude to time in general?Americans are serious about ________.