Translate the following sentences into Chinese.Too often we just say the words “thank you” when we are given help, and expect that to be good enough. It’s not.我们常常在_________觉得只说“谢谢”两个字就觉得够了。这是不对的。
There are some necessary steps to take for a heartfelt appreciation to be shown.要想____________, 还有几个必需的步骤要完成。
To say “thank you” without a heartfelt smile may sound quite empty and hurt those who have helped you.光说“谢谢你”而______________听起来可能会很空洞, 还会伤害帮助过你的人。
The injured party may suffer from personal, financial or other damages.受伤害的一方可能蒙受__________________。