张某在一家报社出版的报纸上发表了一篇涉及刘某的报道。刘某认为该报道存在诸多不实之处,侵害了名誉,遂向人民法院起诉。根据上述事实,回答下列问题: 如果刘某同时起诉张某和报社,而张某是一名自由撰稿人,本案的被告如何确定
A. 法院仅将张某列为被告
B. 法院仅将报社列为被告
C. 法院应将张某和报社均列为被告
D. 是列张某为被告还是列报社为被告,由法院根据具体情况具体确定张风因产品质量问题,向法院起诉博瑞食品公司。张风为了赢得诉讼,决定委托诉讼代理人,其间遇到以下问题:
Section ADirections: This section is to test your ability to understand short dialogues. There are 5 recorded dialogues in it. After each dialogue, there is a recorded question. Both the dialogues and the questions will be spoken only once. When you hear a question, you should decide on the correct answer from the 4 choices marked A) ,B) , C)and D) given in your test paper. Then you should mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.
A. Customer and salesman.
B. Wife and husband.
C. Doctor and patient.
D. Teacher and student.
写信人: S. Johnson, Walter Gregson Co. 写信人的地址: 50 North Columbia Street New York City, January. 28,2005 写信时间:2005年1月28日 收信单位:The Tokyo Trading Co.Ltd.Marunouchi,Tokyo,Japan 内容:日本玩具询价函。我公司经常受到拉丁美洲有关客户来函询价,如贵公司提供的商品质量优良,价格低廉,则可向贵公司大量订购。望早日收到贵公司的样品与最优惠的条件。
一个公司只能有一个名称。( )
A. 对
B. 错
AAccess DatabasesThis seminar teaches you how to design and implement a smart user interface, giving you a robust, professional application with low maintenance and training requirements. A poorly designed and implanted interface can cause excessive support calls, data entry errors and user dissatisfaction. In this seminar you’ll learn how to do forms tight, you’ll learn the secrets of how expert Access developers use all of the power of the Access forms design tools and features to build applications users will love.BSQL Server 2000In this seminar, you’ll learn about the new features you can use in SQL Server 2000. You’ll explore the interface changes in Enterprise Manager. You’ll learn about the new relational database features. You’ll dig into the how and why of user-defined functions. You’ll learn how to run multiple instances of SQL Server on the same machine. After this seminar, you’ll be ready to take full advantage of the rich set of features available in SQL Server 2000.CStored Procedures BasicsIn this seminar, you’ll learn how to build robust and powerful stored procedures and how they are used to not only improve the performance of database applications, but to help protect critical data as well. You’ll learn about input and output parameters, and how to add error handling and transaction processing to the stored procedures that you build. After this seminar, you will understand the many benefits of stored procedures, and you will feel comfortable using them in the database applications you build.DActiveX AutomationLearn how to use ActiveX Automation, and you can communicate with and control all types of Automation-enabled products and components. This seminar teaches you to exchange data with and even run commands in other programs. You’ll learn how to set up an Automation-enabled application, and how to hook into Word, Outlook, and other products and components. You’ll learn how to use Office components to perform tasks such as creating reports, generating charts, and even doing E-mail. What is taught in this seminar will free you from many troubles.()