
Make Meetings Work for YouOnly call a meeting if you (and your colleagues) are quite clear about its purpose. Once you are certain of your objective, ask yourself whether it could be better achieved through (19) means, such as a memo. Meetings called on a routine basis tend to (20) their point. It’s better to wait until a situation or problem requires a meeting. If in doubt, don’t waste time having one.If you’re sure a meeting is the solution, circulate a memo several days in advance (21) the time and place, objectives, issues to be discussed, other participants and preparation (22) Meetings should be held in the morning, if possible, when people are usually more (23) , and should last no more than an hour. Six is the (24) number of participants for a good working meeting. Inviting the whole department (more than 10) increases emotional undercurrents such as, "Will my (25) be taken seriously " Larger meetings can be productive as brainstorming (26) for ideas, provided participants can speak freely without feeling they will be judged.A successful meeting always leads to action. Decision should take up the (27) of the meeting minutes, including the name of the person delegated to each task, and a(n) (28) for its completion. Circulate the minutes after the meeting and again just before the next one.Draw out quieter members of the group. (29) helps create a relaxed and productive atmosphere. Do not (30) out any individual for personal criticism -- they will either silently (31) , upset and humiliated, or try to come up with excuses rather than focusing on the problems in (32) Save critical comments for a private occasion.If you’re talking for more than 50 per cent of the time, you’re (33) the meeting. 32()

A. talk
B. kind
C. hand
D. turn


货币政策委员会是中国人民银行制定货币政策的决策机构。( )

A. 对
B. 错

Make Meetings Work for YouOnly call a meeting if you (and your colleagues) are quite clear about its purpose. Once you are certain of your objective, ask yourself whether it could be better achieved through (19) means, such as a memo. Meetings called on a routine basis tend to (20) their point. It’s better to wait until a situation or problem requires a meeting. If in doubt, don’t waste time having one.If you’re sure a meeting is the solution, circulate a memo several days in advance (21) the time and place, objectives, issues to be discussed, other participants and preparation (22) Meetings should be held in the morning, if possible, when people are usually more (23) , and should last no more than an hour. Six is the (24) number of participants for a good working meeting. Inviting the whole department (more than 10) increases emotional undercurrents such as, "Will my (25) be taken seriously " Larger meetings can be productive as brainstorming (26) for ideas, provided participants can speak freely without feeling they will be judged.A successful meeting always leads to action. Decision should take up the (27) of the meeting minutes, including the name of the person delegated to each task, and a(n) (28) for its completion. Circulate the minutes after the meeting and again just before the next one.Draw out quieter members of the group. (29) helps create a relaxed and productive atmosphere. Do not (30) out any individual for personal criticism -- they will either silently (31) , upset and humiliated, or try to come up with excuses rather than focusing on the problems in (32) Save critical comments for a private occasion.If you’re talking for more than 50 per cent of the time, you’re (33) the meeting. 29()

A. Motivation
B. Appreciation
C. Encouragement
D. Humor

ABUNDANT ASTA RESOURCESDay in and day out, ASTA helps its members with everything from debit memos to bankruptcy claims on against suppliers to applying for Small34 Business Administration loans. Whatever business problem is facing with you35 chances are someone at ASTA headquarters can offer the advice or a helping36 hand. A few months ago, ASTA introduced that the Member Care Center as37 an improved method of serving its members. The Member Care Center serves38 as the single source for member record changes, for meeting registrations39 and information requests. We have begun intensive customer service training40 of our Member Care team to ensure that they are fully equipped with to41 answer your questions as more efficiently as possible. Our Member Care team42 meets early every morning for a briefing report on the ASTA and travel43 industry news of the day so they are prepared for the various calls that may44 come in. If the answer or solution lies in other another ASTA department,45 ASTA has a highly trained staff of professionals are ready to assist you.Here’s just a sample of how ASTA departments service oar members on a daily basis. 38()

Gentlemen do not just prefer blondes, but fighter-skinned women in general, a study has suggested.Scientists looking into attractiveness in men and women suggest that men from all races find fairer-skinned woman most alluring, while women are the polar opposite and favor darker, brooding men.They said the attraction is driven by preferences based on moral assumptions. Men are subconsciously attracted to fairer-skinned icons because of the skin tone’s association with innocence, purity, modesty, virginity, vulnerability and goodness. Women, on the other hand, pick men with darker complexions because these are associated with sex, virility, mystery, villainy and danger.Academics at the University of Toronto in Canada say their study proves the fair maiden of myth has a basis in scientific reality. They studied more than 2,000 advertising photographs and found that the skin of white women was 15.2 per cent lighter than the skin of white males, and the skin of black women 11.1 per cent fighter than the skin of black men.
