A. 为PO260~100mmHg的部分
B. 表明低氧环境(如高原)不至于使人发生低氧血症
C. 可解释VA/Q不匹配时增加通气量无助于摄入O2
D. 代表Hb向组织释放O2的储备部分
One of the women had pretended to be the old woman asleep in bed.
A government official t0id the news.
B. A social worker told the news.
C. Mr. Townsend called five months later.
D. The old women won an Oscar Prize for her excellent performance.
A. 军队
B. 监狱
C. 法院
D. 政府
以下法律文件中属于法律渊源的是 ( )。
A. 判决书
B. 财政部的规章
C. 逮捕证
D. 结婚证