若海明码的监督关系为:S0=a0+a3+a4+a6;S1=a1+a3+a5+a6:S2=a2+a4+a5+a6。若需发送的信息为:1101,则信道中传输的码字为 (12) ,该海明码的编码效率为 (13) 。
A. 12.95%
B. 42.86%
C. 57.14%
D. 87.05%
You should check all the data carefully______ (以避免严重错误).
______ (环境一旦遭到破坏),让takes many years for the system to recover.
螺旋模型是一种 (3) 的开发模犁,适合于大型软件的开发。
A. 文档驱动
B. 对象驱动
C. 模型驱动
D. 风险驱动
Bluetooth is a universal radio interface in the (71) frequency hand that enables portable electronic devices to connect and communicate wirelessly via short-range, ad hoc networks. Each unit can simultaneously communicate with up to (72) other units per piconet. Moreover, each unit can simultaneously (73) to several piconets. Eliminates the need for wires, cables and connectors for and between cordless or mobile phones, modems, headsets, PDAs, Computers, printers, projectors, local area networks, and so on, and paves the way for new and completely different devices and applications. Technology Characteristics (74) symbol rate exploits maximum available (75) bandwidth。
A. 1Mb/s
B. 11Mb/s
C. 54Mb/s
D. 100Mb/s