
The ability to laugh at your own flaws, weaknesses and blunders has long been recognized as a sign of maturity. (67) Eleanor Roosevelt put it, "You don’t grow up (68) you have your first good laugh at yourself." And yet this is one of the most difficult aspects of your (69) of humor to develop. It’s easy to see the humor in someone else’s (70) or flaws, but it’s another story when the (71) thing happens to us. That’s why we’ve put (72) working on this part, of your sense of humor until you’ve already (73) some good humor skills in areas that have (74) to do with laughing at yourself. Oscar Wilde once offered a valuable (75) about the way we live our lives when he said that" Life is (76) important to be taken seriously." (77) do you think he meant by this I don’t think he meant you don’t have to (78) your responsibilities, promises, work, etc. seriously. He didn’t mean that it’s OK to live life with no (79) . I think he meant that the quality of our life (80) when we approach everything in a (81) manner. We lose the aliveness, joy and (82) we had when we were kids when we take everything so seriously, (83) when we take ourselves so seriously. I think the key here is to take your work and your responsibility seriously, (84) take yourself lightly in the (85) When you take yourself seriously all the time, you will (86) many benefits that a playful attitude and humor can offer.

A. off
B. on
C. down
D. away


若将第15题程序中的JNE NEXT指令修改为JE NEXT指令,则运行结果是在屏幕上显示 【16】 。

在现代PC中,不仅有和PC及PC/AT兼容的ISA总线上的常规中断,还有新的PCI中断、串行中断技术以及APIC,其中APIC的中文含义是 【10】 。

2008年12月31日,甲公司将一台生产用大型机器设备以110万元的价格销售给乙公司,账面原价为200万元。同时甲公司与乙租赁公司签订了一份融资租赁合同将该设备租回。合同主要条款及其他有关资料如下: (1)租赁标的物:大型机器设备。 (2)租赁期开始日:2008年12月31日。 (3)租赁期:2008年12月31日~2011年12月31日。 (4)租金支付方式:自承租日起每6个月于月末支付租金22.5万元。 (5)该设备的保险、维护等费用均由甲公司负担,估计每年约1万元。 (6)该设备在租赁开始日的公允价值为110万元。 (7)租赁合同规定年利率为14%。 (8)该设备的估计使用年限为10年,已使用5年,期满无残值,承租人采用年限平均法计提折旧,没有计提减值准备。 (9)租赁期满时,甲公司享有优惠购买选择权,购买价6万元。估计期满时的公允价值为45万元。 (10)承租人在租赁谈判和签订租赁合同过程中发生的可归属于租赁项目的手续费、律师费、差旅费、印花税等初始直接费用共计1.5万元,以银行存款支付。[(P/A,7%,6) =4.7665; (P/F,7%,6)=0.6663; (P/A,8%,6)=4.6229; (P/F,8%,6)= 0.6302] 要求:根据上述资料,回答以下问题。 对于设备每年发生的保险、维护等费用,应该( )。

A. 在实际发生时计入当期管理费用
B. 按照三年的合计金额计入固定资产的入账价值
C. 在实际发生时计入当期营业外支出
D. 在实际发生时冲减当期营业外收入

DRAM是靠MOS电路中的栅极电容上的电荷来记忆信息的。为了防止数据丢失,需定时给电容上的电荷进行补充,这是通过以一定的时间间隔将DRAM各存储单元中的数据读出并再写入实现的,该过程称为DRAM的 【9】 。
