
患者,女。绝经后不规则阴道流血,并有下腹部及腰部疼痛,CT提示子宫腔内可见软组织密度肿物,肿瘤呈菜花状或结节状,妇科检查宫颈口有突出物质,质脆,触之易出血。 下面的CT表现错误的是

A. 密度高于正常强化的子宫肌
B. 肿块呈菜花状或者结节状
C. 周围可为更低的积液所环绕
D. 附件可受侵
E. 不发生淋巴结及远处转移


subject seal engage tailor adequate infinitedefinite virtual infinitely virtually verify advocateutilize trigger critical skeptical objective biasedcritically amount to hang around make do hammer out Without their support it would have been impossible for us to attain our ______.

患者,女。绝经后不规则阴道流血,并有下腹部及腰部疼痛,CT提示子宫腔内可见软组织密度肿物,肿瘤呈菜花状或结节状,妇科检查宫颈口有突出物质,质脆,触之易出血。 对于该病的说法哪些是正确的

A. 该病的确诊依据是刮宫及细胞学检查
B. MR检查具有较高的诊断价值
C. 肿瘤侵犯联合带出现信号中断
D. 增强扫描对该病无任何意义
E. MR复查有助于观察治疗效果和判断肿瘤有否复发

subject seal engage tailor adequate infinitedefinite virtual infinitely virtually verify advocateutilize trigger critical skeptical objective biasedcritically amount to hang around make do hammer out It is certainly less tiring to put clothes in a washing machine, but the lime saved does not really ______ much, the machine has to be watched, the clothes have to be carefully sorted out first, and stains removed by hand.

subject seal engage tailor adequate infinitedefinite virtual infinitely virtually verify advocateutilize trigger critical skeptical objective biasedcritically amount to hang around make do hammer out "The best way to maintain good blood circulation is through using the brain," he says, "Think hard and ______ in conversation. Don"t rely on pocket calculators."
