SECTION 4 Questions 31-40Questions 31-35Choose the correct answer - A, B or C - and write that letter in the appropriate place on your answer sheet. Which of the following must a CEO have, according to the presenter()
A. Computer skills.
B. The ability to work quickly.
C. Extensive work experience.
SECTION 4 Questions 31-40Questions 31-35Choose the correct answer - A, B or C - and write that letter in the appropriate place on your answer sheet. What percentage of CEOs have a university education()
About 33%.
B. About 67%.
C. Not given.
在UML的通用机制中, (37) 用于把元素组织成组; (38) 是系统中遵从一组接口规范且付诸实现的物理的、可替换的软件模块。
A. 包
B. 类
C. 接口
D. 构件
回调(Callback)函数是面向过程的程序设计语言中常用的一种机制,而设计模式中的 (39) 模式就是回调机制的一个面向对象的替代品。该模式的意图是 (40) 。
A. Strategy(策略)
B. Adapter(适配器)
D. Observer(观察者)