
听力原文:M: Hello, this is Thomas Duverney. Can I speak to Mrs Boshwell, please?
F: Speaking, please.
M: Oh, hi, Mrs Boshwell. I called yesterday morning, but you were out.
F: Oh, yes, I am sorry I didn't have time to call you back.
M: That's all right. You see, we are going to expand our company and we decide to buy two more vans.
F: Oh, that's good. So what do you have in mind?
M: We have read through your catalogue and are impressed with that new model of TOYOTA G4000.
F: That's really a nice model with enough space for 14 people. It's been out in the market only for a month.
M: Yes, we really like that except for one thing...
F: What's that?
M: The price. $15,000 is really too high.
F: Well, that's about as low as we can go.
M: But the price of other car dealers is a bit lower than yours.
F: But considering the good after-sale service, you'll find our price reasonable. It is guaranteed for seven years here.
M: I am clear that you are well-known for your after-sale service, but if you could go a little lower, say $13,500 for each van, we'll place the order right now.
F: Well, since you are one of our old clients, I think I can give you $13,800 for each.
M: All right. So that would be $27,600 in total. How shall we pay you?
F: You can transfer to our account. Our account number is CT6753.
M: OK. When can they be delivered?
F: Next Thursday, I think. Oh, just a moment, can I have your name again, please?
M: Thomas Duverney. That's D -U -V-E -R-N-E-Y. And my mobile phone number is 9345895215.
F: OK, I've got that. Thank you.
? Look at the notes below.
? Some information is missing.
? You will hear about a car purchase on the phone.
? For each question 9-15, fill in the missing information in the numbered space using a word, numbers or letters.
? You will hear the conversation twice.
D& K Car Dearler
Car Purchase
BUYER: (9) Thomas ______
MODEL: (10) TOYOYA ______
QUANTITY: (11) ______
TOTAL PRICE: (12) $ ______
GUARANTEE: (13) ______ years
DELIVER TIME: (14) next ______
CONTACT NUMBER: (15) 9345 ______


Directions:For this part you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay On Examinations.You should write at least 150 words following the outine given below.
1. 补考是大学教育的一部分
2. 补考的利与弊
3. 如何发挥补考的作用
On Remedial Examination


案情:甲公司指派虽工唐某从事新型灯具的研制开发,唐某于1999年3月完成了一种新型灯具的开发。甲公司对该灯具的技术采取了保密措施,并于 2000年5月19日申请发明专利。2001年12月1日,国家专利局公布该发明专利申请,并于2002年8月9日授予甲公司专利权。此前,甲公司与乙公司于2000年7月签订专利实施许可合同,约定乙公司使用该灯具专利技术4年,每年许可使用费10万元。

For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition with the title of Fascinating China, giving an introduction of two or three famous scenic spots in China or some other attractive things of China to foreigners. You should write at least 120 words following the outline given below in Chinese:
1. 你将介绍哪些东西?
