不能把欧洲视为亚洲,也不能把亚洲视为欧洲。 It is therefore not advisable to identify Europe with Asia or vice versa.()
我妹妹今天没去上学。她得了重感冒,头痛,发烧。 My sister doesn’t go to school today. She has got a bad cold. She has got a headache and a fever.()
The thick carpet killed the sound of my footsteps. 我走在厚厚的地毯上,一点脚步声也没有。()
What Paul talks is boastful and nonsensical in a fashion. 保罗的谈话有几分胡吹瞎扯。()
I wonder if he cannot come. 我怀疑他不能来。()