家庭A和B生产资源完全相同,且面临相同的利率。两者之间的惟一区别是,家庭A比家庭B更偏好于未来消费。 a.跨时期最优化是否意味着家庭A应该比家庭B多作投资? b.在存在信贷配给的情况下,(a)的答案将会有什么变化? Households A and B have exactly the same productive resources,and they face the same interest rate.The only difference between them is that household A has a stronger preference for future consumption than household B. a.Would intertemporal optimization imply that household A should invest more than household B? b.How would your answer to(a)change in the presence of credit rationing?
A. 亡阳欲脱,肢冷脉微
B. 寒凝血瘀,经闭阴疽
C. 命门火衰,阳痿早泄
D. 中寒腹痛。阴寒水肿
E. 阳虚外感,寒痹剌痛
分析模型假定,家庭关心的决策是何时储蓄和何时借款,而不是是否借款或是否储蓄。这是否是一个合理的假定? The model analyzed in this chapter assumed that the relevant decision for households was whento save and when to borrow rather than whether to borrow or to save. Is this a sensible assumption?
消费函数(consumption function)