
Based on Figure 1, for each tree species, the number of seeds that were dispersed per m2 in Plot X must have been:

A. 2 or less.
B. between 2 and 4.
C. between 5 and 7.
D. 7 or greater.



A. 银行
B. 公安局
C. 银监局


A. 收益较好的公司
B. 不特定对象
C. 亲戚朋友

According to the data in Figure 3, what effect, if any,did removing the herbaceous layer have on the percent distribution among the 1-year-old seedlings in the 1-hectare area of the forest? The removal of the herbaceous layer:

A. changed the percent for the northern red oak only.
B. changed the percent for the red maple and the percent for the white pine only.
C. changed the percent for each of the 5 tree species.
D. did not change the percent for any of the 5 tree species.


A. 行政处罚
B. 行政警告
C. 刑事责任
