
Rising Tuition in the US
Every spring, US university administrators gather to discuss the next academic year"s budget.They consider faculty salaries, utility costs for dormitories, new building, needs and repairs to old ones. They run the numbers and conclude——it seems, inevitably——that, yet again, the cost of tuition must go up.
According to the US"s College Board, the price of attending a four-year private university in the US rose 81 percent between 1993 and 2004 (46) In 2005 and 2006 ,the numbers continued to rise.
According to university officials, college cost increases are simply the result of balancing university checkbooks. "Tuition increases at Cedarville University are determined by our revenue needs for each year."said the university"s president, Dr. Bill Brown. "Student tuition pays for 78 percent of the university"s operating costs. "Brown"s school is a private university that enrolls about 3,100 undergrads and is consistently recognized by annual college ranking guides like US News and World Report"s and The Princeton Review"s (47)
Tuition at private universities is set by administration officials and then sent for approval to the school"s board of trustees(懂事) (48) This board oversees (监管)all of a state"s public institutions.
John Durham,assistant secretary to the board of trustees at East Carolina University(ECU) ,explains that state law says that public institutions must make their services available whenever possible to the people of the state for free. Durham said that North Carolina residents only pay 22 percent of the cost of their education (49) State residents attending ECU pay about US $ 10,000 for tuition, room and board before financial aid.
Amid the news about continued increases in college costs, however, there is some good news.Tuition increases have been accompanied by roughly equal increases in financial aid at almost every university. To receive financial aid, US students complete a formal application with the federal government. The federal government then decides whether an applicant is eligible(有资格的)for grants or loans (50)
请在第__(46)__处填上正确答案。 查看材料

A. The application is then sent to the student"s university, where the school itself will decide whether free money will be given to the student and how much.
B. At public universities, however, tuition increases must also be approved by a state education committee, sometimes called the board "of governors.
C. The school currently charges US $ 23,410 a year for tuition.
D. Many American people are simply unable to pay the growing cost of food.
E. That"s more than double the rate of inflation.
F. The state government covers the rest.


Whieh of the foilowing is NOT mentioned in the passage as an instance of attack by a hacker? 查看材料

A. Deleting information in the computer’s memory
B. Shutting down the computer whenever he wishes.
C. Entering your house to steal.
D. Spoiling a system for air traffic.

In Dr.Baum’s opinion,a true nature reserve . 查看材料

A. could never survive in a modem age
B. should provide buildings for human activities
C. should be regarded as a place where nature is protected
D. could provide special areas for tourists to enjoy

People tend to think of computers as isolated machines,working away all by themselves.Some do——personal computer without an outside link,like someone’S hideaway(隐蔽的)cabin in the woods.But just as most of homes are tied to a community by streets,bus routes and electric lines,computers that exchange intelligence are part of a community——local,national and even global network joined by telephone connections.
The computer network is a creation of the electric age.but it is based on old—fashioned trust.It cannot work without trust.A rogue loose(为所欲为的无赖)in a computer system called hac-ker(黑客)is worse than a thief entering your house.He could go through anyone’s electronic mail or add to.change,distort or delete anything in the information stored in the computer’s menlory.He could even take control of the entire system by placing his own instructions in the software tl_lat runs it. He could shut the computer down whenever he wished,and no one could stop him.Then he could program the computer to erase any sign of his ever having been there·
Hacking.our electronic—age term for computer break—in,is more and more in the news-brainv kids vandalizing university records,even pranking(胡闹)about in supposedly safeguarded svstems.To those who understand how computer networks are increasingly regulating life in the late 20th century.these are not laughing matters.A potential for disaster is buildin9:A dissatisfied fonner insurance—company employee wipes out information from payroll(工资表)files.A student sends out a“virus",a secret and destructive command,over a national network.The virus copies itself at lightning speed,jamming the entire network——thousands of academic,eommercial and government computer systems.Such disastrous cases have already occurred.Now exists tlle Dossibility of terrorism by computer. Spoiling a system responsible for air—traffic control at a busy airport.or knocking out the telephones of a major city,is a relatively easy way to spread Danic.Yet neitller business nor government has done enough to toughen its defenses against attack.For one thin9.such defenses are expensive;for another,they may interrupt communieation-tlle main reason for using computers in the first place.
The writer mentions“a thief”in the second paragraph . 查看材料

A. to show that a hacker is more dangerous than a thief
B. to tell people that thieves like to steal computers nowadays
C. to demand that a protective computer system should be set up against thieves
D. to demonstrate that hackers and thieves are the same people

Protection of Wildlife
Demands for stronger pmtecti。n for wildlife in Britain s。me hide the fact that similar are felt ill the rest Eumpe.Studies by the Council of Europe,of which 21 countries a。e members,have shown that l percent of reptile speeies and 24 percent of butterflies are in danger of dying out EuroDean concem for wildlife was outlined by Dr.Peter Baum,an expert in the environent and nature res。urces division。f the c。uncil,when he spoke at a conference arranged by the ad-ministrators of a British national park.The park is one of the few areas in Europe to hold thecouncil’s diploma for nature reserves of the highest quality,and Dr.Peter Baum had come to present it to the park once again.He was afraid that public opinion was turning against national parks,and that those set up in the l960s and l970s could not be set up today.But Dr.Baum clearly remained a strong supporter of the view that natural environments needed to be allowed to survive in a peace in their own fight.
No area could be expected to survive both as a true nature reserve and as tourist attraction,he went on.The short view that reserves had to serve immediate human demands for outdoor recreation should be replaced by full acceptance of their importance as places to preserve nature for thefuture.
“We forget that they are the guarantee of life systems,on which any built—up area ultimately
depends,”Dr.Baum went on,“We could manage without most industrial products,but we could not manage without nature.However,our natural environment areas,which are the original parts of our countryside,have shrunk to become mere islands in a spoiled and highly polluted landmass.’’
According to recent studies by the Council of Europe,we can learn that 查看材料

A. it is only in Britain that wildlife Deeds more protection
B. all species of wildlife in Europe are in danger of dying out
C. there are fewer species of reptiles and butterflies in Europe than elsewhere
D. certain species of reptiles and butterflies in Europe need protecting
