Employees ill the US are paid for their time. This means that they are supposed to______.
A. work hard while their boss is around
B. come to work when there is work to be done
C. work with initiative and willingness
D. work through their lunch break
一例多囊肾患者的女儿,18岁,无自觉症状,行常规体检,体格检查无异常发现,尿常规:WBC 3~4个/HP,RBC
A. 肯定患多囊肾
B. 她不会遗传多囊肾给她的子女
C. 她患多囊肾的几率约为1/2
D. 她患多囊肾的几率约为1/4
E. 她哥哥患多囊肾的几率比她大