临床上要求制备含Na+ 142mmol/L,K+ 5mmol/L,Ca2+ 2.5mmol/L,Cl- 152mmol/L的注射液1000 ml,如果用NaCl、KCI和CaCl2.2H2O来配制,各应称取多少克?该注射液的渗透压是多少?
The style. of "Visitors would make their way at once to the upper floor by way of the staircase." is______.
A. formal
B. consultative
C. frozen
D. intimate
分析下列静脉注射用脂肪乳处方中各成分的作用并简述制备过程。 【处方】 成分 含量
imitated the characteristics of ancient Roman writers, including Horace, Virgil, Cicero, etc.
A. Neo-classicism
B. Modernism
C. Naturalism
D. Realism
The term register refers to language variation according to______.
A. user
B. use
C. age
D. region