What prescriptive rules for the "proper" use of English are not obeyed in the following sentences? Thats the girl I gave my roller skates to. He wanted to simply borrow your car for an hour.
A. 青霉烯酸铜螯合物
B. 青霉烯酸汞盐
C. 硫酸庆大霉素C组分测定
D. 链霉素的鉴别
E. 青霉素钾的检查
A. 船长
B. 大副
C. 轮机长
List as many examples of these constituents as you can identify in sentences(a)and(b) below: NP, PP, VP. List as many examples of these lexical categories as you can identify in sentences(a)and(b): N, prep, V. a. A Guns "N" Roses concert at an arena near ST. Louis ended in disaster after some 2500 fans staged a full-fledged riot. b. The trouble started when Axl Rose asked venue security to confiscate a camera he saw near the front of the stage.