A. 评定学生学业成绩,一般采用百分制记分法和等级制记分法
B. 一般来说,题的数量多、便于给小分的用等级制较便利
C. 题的数量不多、开卷、理解和灵活运用的题目用百分制较方便
D. 在成绩评定时,不能把等级制换算成一定的分数
Which statements about the MEMORY_TARGET initialization parameter are true?()
A. MEMORY_TARGET can be increased up to the value of MEMORY_MAX_TARGET, if MEMORY_MAX_TARGET is set to a value greater than zero
B. MEMORY_MAX_TARGET defaults to a value of zero if MEMORY_TARGET is not set
C. MEMORY_TARGET represents the total amount of memory that can be allocated to SGA and PGA memory structures.
D. MEMORY_TARGET is static and cannot be modified without shutting down the instance
A. 黄土汤
B. 独参汤
C. 归脾汤
D. 犀角地黄汤