A. 派引导人员接车
B. 开放引导信号
C. 调车方式领入站内
D. 不行车
A. 刑法是刑事诉讼法之母
B. 刑事诉讼法是刑法之母
C. 刑事诉讼法是实现刑法的工具
D. 刑事诉讼法离不开刑法,刑法也离不开刑事诉讼法
A. 正确
B. 错误
A cluster node has a failed fibre adapter requiring the node to be halted to replace it. To minimize downtime, what is the appropriate method of performing this repair?()
A. Perform the cIRGmove command to move the node’s resources to another cluster node.
B. Perform a graceful stop of the cluster,replace the adapter,and restart the cluster.
C. Perform a force stop of the cluster node,replace the adapter,and restart the cluster.
D. Perform a graceful takeover of the cluster,replace the adapter,and restart the cluster.